A user can start a session in the Latch app from any mobile device and unlock the service. If it's not a Community Latch subscription, you as the service provider can unlock it using the Latch Support Tool (LST).

Latch stores the information required to identify users when they sign in. When you register as a Developer, we also store your contact and billing information.

We don´t store any information about your online service´s operation or authorization systems and processes. Anytime your service requests the status of any Latch user, we only store:
  • Device model.
  • Operating system version.
  • Account identification.
  • Date and time.
  • Application.
  • Status (on/off).
Latch does not store or handle any of your end users´ private information related to your service. We collect information related to your end user´s use of the Latch service (such as the number of times they lock or unlock your service) as well as the number of valid and invalid attempts to access your service. We will share that information with your end users at an individual level, and with you in the form of aggregated statistics, or in a format which does not reveal your end users´ identity.

No private user information or service operation data is shared between Latch and your service. Your service just checks whether your user has locked the account or operation before granting access to them, or whether the user has enabled the one-time password feature.

Anytime your service requests the status of any Latch user, we only store:
  • Account identification.
  • Date and time.
  • Application.
  • Status (on/off).